Rant on the the FIFA world rankings


October 4, 2012 by Tejmgas

The FIFA world rankings is something that has been bothering me for a long time.

Not only have they, in my eyes, not helped us at all in deciding which really are teams are the best in the world but they have produced something that is so far from the truth that it might as well have been written by a five year old.

Where to begin…..oh yeah, how about the fact that less than a few months ago ENGLAND WERE RANKED 3RD!!!!

This is a team that hasn’t reached the semi-finals of a major tournament in the last 15 years. This is the team that has the worst penalty shootout record in the world!! This is the team that boasts Wayne Rooney as its best player. Oh dear……..something must be wrong here.

Don’t get me wrong here, I’m not trying to hate on the england team but am just pointing out the obvious flaws in the rankings. This is in fact just one example, others include:

Columbia being ranked 5 places higher than Brazil, France only being ranked 13th and Mali somehow being ranked higher than the Republic of Ireland.

I am aware of the high-tech calculations required to create these rankings but if this is how the rankings end up something need to change. I believe that recent tournaments should hold a lot more influence than past tournaments, even more than they do at the moment.

Let me know what you think in the comments below


8 thoughts on “Rant on the the FIFA world rankings

  1. Sadanan says:

    I don’t think the point of them is to show real world stats, otherwise they’d just use real world stats.

  2. Frank says:

    Firstly Columbia are above Brazil as Brazil haven played a competitive match in a long period of time due to them being hosts of the World Cup and therefore don’t have to do through qualifying. Secondly if you want a different ranking system look at the ELO rankings, in which Brazil are ranked second

  3. Frank says:

    It’s not just about amount of games played it is also about if the match is competitive, and strength of opposition, both of which affect the weighting and therefore points given

    • Tejmgas says:

      But the strength of the opposition is based on the fifa rankings, which are not accurate. So you see the problem that is being created 🙂 its just a vicious circle

  4. soppington says:

    I agree, the Fifa world rankings are a joke, England should never be above 7th

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